​Medalli​on Publishing Compa​ny, In​c.
Youtube: ChristopherobBrienMCAP
FaceBook: Christopher O'Brien
Publications to enhance the human experience.

A group of short stories about the remakable people in my past who shaped my life.
Whatever your perception of the Divine Plan. I suggest that you will agree and perceive that some people are larger than life in their character and their humanity.
I have liked many of the books I have read. But I believe that, in this case, you will love the people.

Who Are You?
Many years working with and learning from people, we are able to see how each found their own sense of purpose and meaning in life. This book first looks at the organic elements of the human species. Next it examines stories of people discovering their own sense of purpose. Finally, it offers guidance on how the individual reader might find their own place of meaning in their universe. Supported by scholarly works and the teachings of the "Masters", this volume is intended to challenge the reader to discover or invent their own path. 134 Pages.

The "Who Ball"
The Who Ball is, perhaps, the most valuable therapy tool you will ever encounter.
Catch the ball and under your thumb will be one of almost 200 questions. Each question is designed to engage the receiver with a fond memory, a challenging thought, a viewpoint, emotion, or attitude.
Catching the ball playfully catches the receiver off guard. The facilitator can then decide if the question is appropriate for the group, and a lively and authentic discussion often ensues.
Use the ball to warm up the group. Or use the ball to recharge a group which has lost energy.
Everyone loves the "Who Ball".

Understanding Addiction:
Understanding Addiction: Propensity, Progression, Crisis, and Recovery
is a brief overview of addiction pathology, as it is understood today.
As a therapeutic tool, it is provided to family members of clients. Only 80 pages, this is a brief primer of addiction pathology for the client and family. 80 pgs.

Recovery Counseling,
The Compassionate Protocols
This volume offers new perspectives and evidence-based adaptions to the treatment of substance disorders. A global shift in the recovery environment and methods increases retention rates, client satisfaction rates, and job satisfaction for mental health professionals. 250pgs.

Recovery 101
Each exercise in the workbook is diagnostic. That is, the client responds to carefully crafted, simple questions which diagnose the attitudes, moods and behaviors which constitute substance and co-occurring disorders. These include attachment disorders, developmental disorders, and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI; DSM-5, pp. 803).
The workbook can be purchased individually, or can be published in a manner specific to your treatment center. Each copy will have your graphics and contact information on the front and back covers.
The charting elements of the treatment plans are provided in MS "Word" suitable for editing, charting, and utilization review.
For custom printing options, contact us directly cobrien1947@yahoo.com. 150pgs.